Will Filing a Claim with Trust Funds Affect My VA Disability Benefits?

From the 1930s to 1970, all U.S. military branches used asbestos - a cancer-causing mineral, the only known cause of mesothelioma - in many applications, ranging from brake pads in combat vehicles to pipe systems, boilers, generators and engine rooms on navy ships and naval shipyards.

Veterans are now the largest group affected by mesothelioma, accounting for 30% of all malignant mesothelioma diagnosis in the U.S.

If you are a veteran who is suffering because of past military exposure to airborne asbestos fibers, you have the right to seek financial compensation from both asbestos trust funds and Veterans Affairs.

Filing a Claim with Asbestos Trust Funds Will Not Affect Your Right to VA Disability Benefits

The VA does not take into consideration any money you may be awarded from a bankruptcy trust fund. Consequently, veterans can file claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs for disability compensation and they also have access to asbestos trust funds. The VA's major concern is to prevent veterans from claiming compensation from the government multiple times for the same condition.

Many veterans diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases receive financial support from asbestos trust funds. Bankrupt companies established these funds, per court orders, to ensure that victims of asbestos exposure could receive compensation for the companies' misconduct and negligence. Asbestos trust funds provide compensation to victims with all types of asbestos-related diseases, but also entail a series of eligibility requirements such as a diagnosed asbestos-related disease or disability acquired while in military service, as well as a strict period of time during which one can seek financial compensation after diagnosis. Statutes of limitation vary by state from 1 to 6 years.

Asbestos Vets Is Here to Help

If you are struggling with an asbestos-related disease which might be the result of military asbestos exposure, we can help streamline your access to full and fair compensation. An asbestos trust fund is a viable payout option for veterans to obtain compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages and the pain and suffering caused by an asbestos-related diagnosis.

All qualified victims of asbestos injuries are compensated without the hassle of going to trial. It is worth mentioning that following an Asbestos Trust Fund claim, you will have sufficient evidence in your case that could also help you process your VA application quickly and favorably. Contact a member of our Asbestos Vets team today for more information on filing a claim with Asbestos Trust Funds.