National Guard Veterans Trust Funds & VA Claims

Asbestos is largely viewed as a great concern when microscopic fibers are released into the air. Once inhaled, the fibers are lodged into the lungs or body tissues, where they remain in place causing severe diseases over the years.

Veterans were directly in contact with asbestos because the miracle mineral was a prime choice for military base construction. The National Guard also relied on a variety of asbestos-containing products for constructing bases. Asbestos was an ingredient in:

  • Roofing shingles and floor tiles
  • Wall and ceiling insulation
  • Pipe and electric wire insulation
  • Wallboard and acoustical tiles
  • Fireproofing material for buildings
  • Paint, glue, and sealant

Guardsmen can also be exposed to asbestos when handling an emergency situation. For example, when Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, the U.S. National Guard deployed 50,000 troops to carry out rescue missions that sent them into damaged homes and buildings filled with asbestos.

National Guards might’ve been also exposed to asbestos from:

  • decaying building renovations involving asbestos products
  • armories that could’ve contained asbestos
  • helping to clean out the historic premises
  • domestic natural disasters causing wrecks and deploying asbestos
  • old bases of the military having asbestos

If you are a U.S. National Guard veteran who has developed an asbestos-related disease which you believe is related to asbestos exposure during the term of your Guard membership you may be eligible for compensation from asbestos trust funds and VA claims.