Coast Guard Veterans Trust Funds & VA Claims

Because they were extremely strong, fireproof, non-corrosive and insulating, asbestos-based products and materials were heavily used within all branches of the military, and those who served in the U.S. Coast Guard, similar to Navy veterans, were most often exposed to asbestos on ships and in shipyards, though they also faced exposure on military bases.

A large number of U.S. Coast Guard veterans dealt with this toxic mineral, however, what they didn’t know at the time about the hidden consequences of this, the development of severe to life-threatening diseases that can develop decades after the exposure. If you were one of the people that served in the military as a U.S. Coast Guard, then you most likely have been exposed to asbestos.

Some of the personnel most at risk for asbestos exposure within the U.S. Coast Guard were:

  • Construction and demolition workers
  • Mechanics that installed and repaired ship components
  • Shipyard workers who built and maintained ships

Asbestos exposure among members of the U.S. Coast Guard has been connected to:

  • Insulation on the ship
  • Electric wiring on the ship
  • Tiles rubbed with asbestos
  • Safety clothing that the crew has to wear
  • Adhesives used to install wood floors, vinyl tiles and other types of flooring
  • Gaskets used to prevent pipes and machinery from leaking
  • Coating the floor if there was any corrosion on the surface of the ship

If you are a U.S. Coast Guard veteran whose suffering was caused by military asbestos exposure, then you may qualify for compensation from asbestos trust funds and VA claim. Our specialists have the knowledge and resources to guide you until you get the benefits you deserve.