About Us

Serving our veterans for over 50 years

Asbestos Vets' mission is to help the veterans suffering from asbestos-related illnesses.

We offer assistance and resources related to screenings, diagnostic tests, second opinions for being able to file asbestos trust funds claims and after that to apply for VA benefits on behalf of veterans coping with lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related conditions.

Who We Are

We're a team of experienced specialists who had the honor of helping hundreds of veterans pursue asbestos compensation claims.

Our trained professionals can connect veterans with medical specialists to help answer medical questions, and can offer help in accessing the financial assistance options to cover medical costs and other expenses.

Veterans who develop asbestos-related illnesses may be entitled to benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the active asbestos trust funds. Aside from the compensation from trust funds the VA benefits include disability compensation, special monthly compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, and VA health care.

Our work ensures that our nation's tens of millions of veterans get access to the health care, benefits and other forms of compensation to which they are entitled after developing disabilities from asbestos exposure during their military service.

An approved asbestos-related VA and trust fund claim provides much-needed assistance for ex-members of the armed forces, such as access to treatment at any facility in the VA network. This is an important veterans benefit.

We leverage our expertise and extensive knowledge of the workings of the veteran and military service departments to change their lives and those of their families.